Spring is springing and the next thing you know it’ll be pool and beach time. Will you be ready?
By now, those resolutions you made in January have probably worn off. So here’s an opportunity to commit or re-commit to taking off those unwanted pounds or simply firm up and get on the path to optimal health.
Take Shape for Life
We’re now offering our Take Shape for Life optimal health program to help you lose weight quickly, safely and it’s affordable, while learning strategies that can keep the weight off for a lifetime.

It’s time to get a fresh start!
We begin by introducing change into your eating habits by presenting a unique combination of portion-controlled meal replacements (by Medifast), along with regular meals (made by you). The program is also highlighted by one-on-one personal coaching.
The Habits of Health System
As you lose weight and gain energy on this phenomenal program, we’ll also introduce you to the Habits of Health lifestyle, which includes:
- Healthy eating
- Healthy activity
- Healthy sleep
This program has been in existence for over 30 years and is recommended by over 20,000 doctors. It’s been used by well over a million people. It’s also endorsed and validated by John Hopkins University.
We’re proud to partner with you as you embark on a new adventure toward wellness and optimal health. This program is the perfect transition tool to help you prepare for your journey!
Give us a call today to get started! (212) 752-6770